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Old Friends

London West Branch

Welcome to the Old Southeronians'

Association - London West Branch


We hold a variety of social events during the year across the London West patch.  Details of forthcoming get-togethers are circulated in newsletters and by email.


Monthly lunchtime socials are held on the first Wednesday of the month at Woking Railway Athletic Club.


Rambles are normally on the second Tuesday of each month, during the warmer months, plus others on an ad hoc basis.

London West Branch

Waterloo statiohn clock.jpg


Our monthly Lunchtime Socials are held at Woking Railway Athletic Club on the first Wednesday of every month.   Members from all branches are welcome to attend - no need to book, just turn up and chat.



In addition to our Woking Socials, informal ‘Get-togethers’ have also been arranged at Wetherspoon pubs in Kent from 12.00hrs onwards. These are not organised events. You are welcome to just turn up and join the group for a chat and a drink in a friendly atmosphere, and lunch too if you want, all at own expense.



All OSA members are welcome. 








Details of our walks and joining instructions are published in the Diary of Events in your local branch newsletter.oining details are i




2023 Ramble - summer group photo.JPG
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